Why Are There Two Supported Versions?
I started Svelte Standalone to streamline Svelte 4 for powering a fully customizable dashboard. Since I'm still actively developing this dashboard, my focus hasn't shifted to fully supporting Svelte 5. However, you can still use Svelte Standalone with Svelte 5 by installing the beta version:
npm install -D svelte-standalone@beta
Key Differences
At the developer experience level, there shouldn't be any noticeable differences between using Svelte Standalone with Svelte 4 or Svelte 5. However, there are a few key points to keep in mind:
- Runtime Size:
- Svelte 4: The runtime size increases with usage, making it better suited for small standalone apps.
- Svelte 5: The runtime size increases by approximately ~10kb, regardless of usage.
- Component API:
- Svelte 4 and Svelte 5 use different component APIs. Why this is important?